Penn Nursing: Mentee Survey

Penn Nursing: Student Alumni Networking Program
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Mentee Sign Up Form

Launched in 2020, the Penn Nursing Student-Alumni Mentoring Network works to connect current students and recent graduates with alums for a variety of mentoring opportunities including shadowing, informational interviews, ongoing mentoring, and more.

Please fill out the survey on the following pages, indicating your career goals and interest in different types of mentoring opportunities. The support of alums and friends is critical to our students and recent graduates. Matches will be made year-round as requests are received. We welcome your suggestions and feedback to improve the program.

This survey should take you under five minutes to complete and is designed to provide us with information to make the best possible mentoring matches. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Penn Nursing’s Alumni Office at 215.746.8812 or

Bio/Demo Information

Mentoring Profile
What are you looking for from the Alumni-Student Network? Please check all that apply Required Field
What are you looking for from the Alumni-Student Network? Please check all that apply

Please specify the areas where you are looking for support. Select all that apply. Required Field
Please specify the areas where you are looking for support. Select all that apply.

Is there a defined geographic area where you are seeking connections? Required Field
Is there a defined geographic area where you are seeking connections?

Are you a first-generation college student? Required Field
Are you a first-generation college student?
What is your area of interest? Please check all that apply Required Field
What is your area of interest? Please check all that apply

Have you participated in a formal mentoring program in the past or have you had a mentor (formal or informal) before? Required Field
Have you participated in a formal mentoring program in the past or have you had a mentor (formal or informal) before?
What factors are most important to you in a mentoring connection? (Top 3)
Choice #1 Required Field
Choice #1

Choice #2
Choice #2

Choice #3
Choice #3

If you wish to have us consider identity as part of our matching process, please select all that apply.
If you wish to have us consider identity as part of our matching process, please select all that apply.