[Dental] Alumni Information Update Form

[Dental] Alumni Information Update Form
Please use the below form to update your alumni information

This form will update your contact information with Penn. Once submitted, please allow up to 3 days for your contact information to be updated in our system. 

Questions? Please contact the Penn Dental Medicine Office of Alumni Relations at alumni@dental.upenn.edu or 215-898-8951.

Use Ctrl or Shift keys to multi-select.

Enroll in Find a Penn Dentist

With alumni practices listed worldwide, Find a Penn Dentist offers a unique and interactive platform for potential patients or fellow colleagues to search for practices by area and/or specialty. This platform is exclusive to Penn Dental Medicine alumni, and has already led to new patient referrals for those enrolled. If you would like to be added to Find a Penn Dentist, please check the box below and confirm address information is included above. Listings are free and practices will be added within one week of enrollment.

Become a Mentor

Current pre-doctoral students at Penn Dental Medicine as well as undergraduates students outside the university are looking for mentors and/or shadowing opportunities as they pursue a career in dentistry.

Would you be willing to be contacted regarding one of the following opportunities: