Career Tools Webinar Series: Answers to Ageism


January 16, 2018
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ET

“Is Ageism a ‘thing’?” The answer is “Yes!” And it doesn’t just affect those in the work force who are approaching retirement age—it can rear its ugly head at any time. Whenever you’re seen as less effective or less productive than someone younger than you, you run the risk of being tagged with stereotypes like “Plateaued” or “Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks” or even worse, “Expendable.” And statistics prove it—in a 2017 survey by AARP, nearly two-thirds of workers 55 to 64 cited their age as a major barrier to finding a new job.
So the question is not whether Ageism is real, it’s “What can you do about it?” This webinar will explore how to combat ageism no matter where you are in your career, and teach you practical steps to overcome it—by keeping your skills relevant, developing your marketable “assets” and showing how your knowledge and experience can add value, whether you’re competing with recent college grads, re-entering the workforce after a break or reinventing yourself in retirement.
Join us and learn how you can use your resume, your interviewing skills, and your network to minimize your chances of being victimized by ageism and maximize your potential for continued career success.


John Tuton has over 30 years experience as an organizational psychologist, executive coach and career consultant. Since 2002, he has managed an independent practice based in Philadelphia, PA., providing consulting services in the areas of executive assessment, performance management, career coaching and individual and team development programs and workshops. His clients include Fortune 50 organizations from the manufacturing and service industry sectors, as well as large and small non-profits. In addition to managing his own consulting practice, John is currently a part-time career counselor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Office of Career Services, and also serves on the Advisory Board of Consulting Psychologists Press, the publisher of the MBTI, Strong Interest Inventory and other career-focused assessment instruments.

Contact Information

Date & Location

Date: 1/16/2019
Time: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Location: ONLINE