Workplace of the Future | Leading in the New Normal



The Workplace of the Future, a two-part program that provided an opportunity for folks to dig into where we are headed in the "new normal" and how we, as students and young alumni, can make the most out of this unique time; both professionally and personally. 

These programs are sponsored by yPennPenn TraditionsPenn Alumni Education & Career Networking and Career Resources Initiatives

Leading in the New Normal 
December 14 | 7 PM ET 

Work cultures are constantly evolving, especially given the disruption due to COVID-19. Leading in the New Normal featured a panel of executives from across industries who discussed the future of work. Our panelists shared about how they are leading their teams during this time and working to address pressing concerns around flexibility, trust, and innovation.

Click here for a recording of the program (password: anW$6HTx). A fully captioned video will be posted on the Penn Alumni 

Student Host:

Lydia Chen (she/her), W’22, Co-Chair, Penn Traditions Student Philanthropy Council  


Daniella Wirtschafter (she/her), C’20, Asset Management Product Manager, M&T Bank


Arnab Mishra (he/him), W’96, Chief Product Officer, Xactly
Stanley Szeto (he/him), W’96 Executive Chairman, Lever Style
Carolyn Yachanin (she/her), C’13, Founder & CEO, Copina Co.

 While this program is geared towards young alumni & students, we welcome all members of the Penn community to attend.  

The Future of the Office
Thursday, October 28 | 12 PM ET 

Our Behind the Book with Penn Press event featuring Wharton Professor Peter Cappelli focused on his new book, The Future of the Office: Work from Home, Remote Work, and the Hard Choices We All Face. Cappelli laid out the facts in an effort to provide everyone involved with a vision of their futures. Cappelli unveiled the surprising tradeoffs both employers and employees may have to accept to get what they want.

Cappelli illustrated the challenges we face in drawing lessons from the pandemic and deciding what to do moving forward. Do we allow some workers to be permanently remote? Do we let others choose when to work from home? Do we get rid of their offices? What else has to change, depending on the approach we choose?

In a call to action for both employers and employees, Cappelli explored how we should think about the choices going forward as well as who wins and who loses. As he implores, we have to choose soon.

Link to recording. This event was presented by Penn Alumni Education & Career Networking.


Contact Information

Christa Leimbach